Friday, April 29, 2011

Baby Marcus & Baby SC 兒時拾趣

Baby Crying
The other day, curious baby Marcus explored his high chair a little too much, he got stuck with his leg up. He was trapped, couldn't get back to sitting position. He cried and screamed bloody murder. Being a bad mama that I am, I just had to prolong his misery a second longer and took this shot, because this scene reminded me so much of another scene...
有日傲B玩野, 係張BB櫈上面攪攪震表演雜技, 點知攪攪吓棘住左唔郁得. 咁傲B就出絕招啦, 就係狂喊同大叫..但係作為一個"壞"媽媽, 我攞起嘅唔係傲B, 而係相機..LOL...見佢咁攪法, 唔影真係哂晒 XDD

...a crying baby SC.
There's an ongoing debate on whether baby Marcus looks more like SC or me.

Baby SC
But look at those two pictures. The same crying face!
Heheheh...or maybe all babies have the same crying face?
但係一比較哩張相就知啦, 一樣樣㗎!

Hello Kitty Tee 今日著咩

Hello Kitty Tee
Casual Friday :)
Hello Kitty tee from Kwai Chung Plaza (I wonder if it's copycat of a merci beaucoup tee?), Indian necklace, unbranded pants from Maple, Crocs leopard print shoes, H&M bag

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Mystery Blood 金田一(傲) 之靈異血跡

(For English, please scroll down)

琴晚返到屋企, 就唱傲B歌, 傲B坐左係廚房一張椅上, 正常一唱傲B歌佢就會好開心咁轉頭對住我傻笑, 但係佢冇, 我叫左佢幾聲都冇反應, 我好驚, 即刻走去前面睇吓咩事..原來佢坐係度睇住工人姐姐煮飯睇到訓左...都係第一次咁樣訓

但我唔理啦, 佢訓左既話, 如果整醒佢會好大獲(勁喊唔停), 所以我都係坐低食飯算, 工人姐姐就抱左佢入主人屋, 放低佢等佢訓得舒服D

今晚Rita出左去同friend食飯, 我一個人食完飯就入房睇吓傲B訓醒未, 同佢玩吓. 點知一入到房, 嘩, 成灘血跡係張被度, 如上圖

我嚇一嚇, 即刻跑出去問工人咩事, 佢話今朝張床已經有血, 所以佢換左成套新既被同床套, 我問佢點解換完仲有血係張被度, 佢話佢唔知...

個一刻我嚇傻左, 唔知點做, 一來傲B今日又有D異常, 二來床上面又有血跡, 我打比我呀媽(因為佢日日都黎開睇傲B), 咁啱佢又出左去食自助餐..返唔到黎解釋, 佢話佢都知有血跡哩單野, 但係都唔知點解

由於太激動同大聲, 傲B比我吵醒左, 勁喊, 我就好似熱煱中的螞蟻, 開始檢查傲B有冇傷口, 但係佢好唔合作, 郁黎郁去好似好辛苦咁, 個一刻真係嚇到有D想喊, 一個人唔知點好..

揾左陣, 決定打比Rita報告情況, 佢都好驚, 係咁話要炒左個工人姐姐, 佢提議佢即刻返屋企, 我都同意, 因為一人個人都做唔到D乜

工人係哩個時候就攞左今朝有血換左出黎準備洗既床套出黎比我睇, 真係有幾灘血..

傲B減左成個鐘直到Rita返黎先好D, 都仲未笑過...


1. 阿爺早(大概10:xxam)上黎過
2. 阿爺走左後工人發現血跡
3. 阿爺同阿嫲下午(大概4:xxpm)上黎, 見到工人換床單, 因為有血
4. 阿嫲同傲B沖涼, 未有發現傲B身上有血
5. 我返到屋企(大概7:00pm), 發現被有血, 同確認到被既血跡係新的, 換床單後出現

以上既事項都好合邏輯, 可惜我完全一籌莫展, 我即刻去問facebook大人, 多謝大家既討論, 可惜都冇進展

阿爺同阿嫲黎到, 再重新講過成件事, 同工人講既差唔多, 大家都懷疑阿爺, 阿爺即刻除晒衫證明身上冇傷口...

到哩度, 由於都冇乜進展, 我地就諗住沖涼訓覺
不可思異既事黎, 阿嫲打黎話阿爺條褲都有血跡!!!!! 但係冇傷口, 血跡係左邊後褲上, 我問佢, 你有冇坐過/去過D有可能有血既地方(街市)? (成件事立刻變左靈異事件...), 佢話冇..叫我上佢地屋企睇吓條褲

上到去睇條褲, 褲面D血好深色, 內側既血好淺色, 根據金田一漫畫(其實係讀過生物既常識), D血係由出面芯入條褲, 而唔係由褲裏面芯出黎(即係唔關傷口事), 成件事又變得更靈異了...

我帶住好多個問號咁返屋企, 準備訓時, 戲劇性既事又發生...

阿嫲打黎, 話揾到阿爺個手肘有傷口, 好大可能係有流血出黎既傷口類型...




Rita's Version:
Last nite, I went home hurriedly, abandoning a dinner appointment (please accept my sincere apologies, guys) upon a call from SC informing me that there's blood on our bed, with baby Marcus wailing in the background. Neither of us were bleeding. We were worried sick about baby Marcus. The fact that there was no wound on him made us worry even more. As any new parents would, we imagined the worsts.

So, I got home and saw the blood, feeling very pissed, and more than than, worried. I was ready to fire my maid then and there, call the police, quit my job and become a full time mom.

Then we tried to work out the chronology and everything, playing Sherlock Holmes.

The blood has dried out, there were some random spots on the sheet, quite a bit on the blankets. We noticed movements in the pattern, there were small droplets, it couldn't be "that time of the month" lady blood. We thought of nose bleeding, and we damn hoped it was not baby Marcus' blood.

This was the chain of events according to my maid:
- Before 10 am, grandpa came to watch over Marcus, maid went shopping for groceries
- Shortly after, my helper returned, Marcus still playing with grandpa on my bed
- Grandpa left
- Maid noticed blood and thought to change bed sheet, but didn't have a chance to do it
- Maid busy cleaning, claimed that Marcus was never in bed the whole time, she dragged him around in his high chair wherever she went
- 4pm, she suddenly remembered that she has to change the sheets (people thought it's my blood, but it's actually near the window where Marcus always plays, not my side of the bed)
- Grandparents walked in when she was changing sheets and questioned her, but they all thought it was my blood
- Grandparents played with baby until 6pm
- 6pm maid started cooking dinner, she put Marcus in high chair in the kitchen
- 6.40 SC arrived home, seeing Marcus falling asleep in high chair, asked maid to put him to bed, Marcus napped
- After dinner, SC went to check on Marcus and saw the blood on the bed, but no apparent wound on Marcus
- Around 7 pm, he called me and all hell broke loose
- I rushed home and abandoned the dinner (again, sorry everybody), on my way home so many thoughts ran through my mind, and from the top of my head, I thought maybe Marcus' nose was bleeding, or maybe it's my maid's that time of the month
- I got home, checked everything, listened to my maid's explanation
- We thought the #1 suspect should be grandpa, since he was the only one present in both possible times of the bleeding
- We called grandparents, checked on grandpa (he even stripped), and found no wound on him. Our theory's crushed. we were stuck.
- Grandma called informing that she saw blood on grandpa's jeans, but it's from outside seeping in, not from the inside of his jeans. Another puzzle.
- We concluded that there were 3 suspects: grandpa, baby Marcus and maid, there were the only 3 people there when the bleeding happened
- We planned to bring the blood to the lab/reported to the police, etc
- My maid turned very nervous when she heard the word "police"
- 10.45pm, grandma informed that she found the wound on grandpa, it's on grandpa's elbow. OMFG!

So the blood is not baby Marcus'!!! Hallelujah! Thank God!!!

I informed my maid in the morning and told her that she can wash "the evidence"


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Today's Boring Outfit 今日著咩

27 April 2011
My brain-isn't-working-thus-my-outfit-is-boring outfit.
Thrifted vintage dress, H&M bag and belt, Wanko shoes, Bossini socks

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Little Bee at Victoria Peak 肥蜂上樹圖

Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
Easter Sunday, we brought baby Marcus up to the Peak. Actually mama planned to just go up, buy some food, have a picnic, take some pictures and be done with it. But grandma had a different idea, so we ended up...(gasp!) going for a hike! Hiking with a baby + heavy diaper bag + a huge ass DSLR camera? Aiyo! And we didn't bring a stroller... T_T
復活節假期帶左傲B去山頂行山. 原本係諗住野餐, 坐低食吓野, 影吓相, 同陽光玩吓遊戲就返師回朝. 點知嫲嫲竟然無啦啦想行山!?!?!!?...最後, 我地係冇帶BB車, 著住人字施, 帶住部Canon 7D (重過啞鈴) 既情況下, 開始左我地既旅程....

Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
But luckily the trail is very pleasant, there's no steep climbs, it's pretty much flat throughout and very well shaded. We'd highly recommend this trail for those with babies/pets. The trail starts right by the Peak lookout restaurant.
好既係條路都唔係好多上斜落斜, 如果大家都想放吓狗同BB行吓山, 哩條徑OK好行的(記住帶BB車...)

Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
Baby Marcus had a good time, kicking out his legs with glee, munching on his carrier and looking around everywhere...mama, papa and grandma took turns carrying him.
傲B就當然開心了...唔使自己行...開心到係揹帶度跳跳吓, 爸爸媽媽同嫲嫲就輪流揹佢...

When we got to a rest place...we released the little bee to chase after flowers.
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
Honey to the buzz buzz...
化身為小蜜蜂既傲B, 一見到花就變成辣手催花既蜜蜂...

He made some friends...
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak

and "climbed" a tree.
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
Actually grandma and papa put him up there. It was papa's idea.
Papa, bees don't climb trees la!

After lunch, we planned to enjoy the view of Hong Kong harbour...
食左D野, 終於有力行吓, 影吓相..
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak

It was a beautiful sunny day and the view was at its best!
個日個天好清, 影到好遠
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak

Did baby Marcus enjoy the view?
對傲B黎講, 係佢既夢裏面見到既仲靚啦..
Baby Marcus Trip to Victoria Peak
You bet he did.
By sleeping through it ^_^'

Thursday, April 21, 2011

3D Sex & Zen: Extreme Ecstasy 萬眾期待既肉蒲團看後感


This movie is currently the talk of the town. How could we not go watch it? It's like not watching...I dunno...Titanic? Although I wouldn't necessarily put them both in the same category heheheh. But still. It's so popular, we just had to go see it. In fact, I am not ashamed to admit that I asked SC to go & watch it. There's nothing to be ashamed of, the theater was full of ladies of different ages...from young OLs to aunties.

日日都成為娛樂版頭條既肉蒲團, 老老實實, 唔睇真係走寶, 唔可以講自己跟得上潮流(即係out左..), 個個朋友都係度講就好似去返世界杯既時候, 大家都有個共同既話題, 只不過今次唔係足球, 而係人球(波)...XDDD 睇完一開燈, 嘩, 70%都係女黎, 真係估都估唔到...原來女仔都對哩方面有好奇架!!!

Here are our comments on the flick, mine in English and SC's in Chinese.
Mine first.

I went expecting nothing. Yes, my expectation was that low. I wasn't expecting to be entertained, I wasn't expecting to be wowed by the 3D effects (come on!), and I surely wasn't expecting to be turned on (seriously!). I was fully prepared to be absolutely appalled and disgusted, and I was not.

Let me tell you what I love from the movie:
- Saori Hara (the girl in the picture above)
Hot hot hot. That face, the boobies, the curve of her hips. I'm not "into girls" that way, but still, she's a major eye candy!
Lots of boobies with pink nipplage
I don't know if this is wrong (I don't think so), but I love gawking at boobies. There were plenty of them, all sizes and shapes, and they are very very nice.
- It's FUNNY!
Seriously, I am not trying to tell the "classic excuse" that's said by anyone who just watched any form of erotica. There were some seriously funny stuff in the story line, the dialogs, and the use of Hong Kong every day expletives. I particularly love the parts with the two "doctors", one of them played by Hong Kong veteran comedian, Tenky Tin. The dialogs were hilarious and so smoothly delivered. The whole theater shakes with laughters throughout the movie.

How about the sex scenes?
There were "clever" funny ones, stupid funny ones, standard Japanese AV ones where the girl seemed/sounded as if the whole thing was excruciatingly painful instead of enjoyable and the guy pounded ridiculously hard and fast (please don't learn from this, gentlemen!), some crazy surreal ones, and some girl on girl action (yeah, baby!).

This is a category III erotica, not AV, thus don't expect to see a full blown uncensored porn.

There's this funny stuff going around, people complaining to be disappointed by Vonnie Lui (or lack thereof), a local beauty, known for being "well endowed".
Gentlemen, seriously?!
I can't blame them though, I'm not sure if many of them know enough about boobies not to be fooled by the media aka gossip magazines. In Hong Kong, there are two sets of boobies measurement standard. Real measurements vs media measurements. It's something like this...AA cup = C cup, A = D, B = E, C = F, D = G. Or worse, sometimes even A = F. I guess the formula depends on how much pads were in the bra, or how much boobies were digitally "inflated"?
Vonnie was known to be a whopping 36F beauty. So, when there were only a few seconds of her boobies, and they didn't seem to be "up to the standard" in terms of volume (aka, they allegedly looked like A on screen? I couldn't judge since it was indeed too fast), speculations were flying from everywhere. Did she use a body double? Did she lie about her measurements in the first place? Etc etc etc. She claimed that she's lost weight for the movie, thus reducing her 36Fs to..I dunno. She was crying and all...poor thing.

To me, she still looks damn good on screen.

*spoiler alert, if you don't wanna know, please don't read*
Some people were complaining how they didn't get turned on by this movie. SC told me (he could be lying, although I wouldn't mind either way hehe), that once he heard Vonnie speaking in the movie, and the voice was that of a GUY, and there's a super long CG dick attached to her crotch, that's the end of it. There was no way that he could get turned on by THAT.

Anyway, we had a lot of fun watching this 3D erotica. In my opinion, the 3D part wasn't necessary, but I must admit that without the 3D gimmick, we probably wouldn't have known that watching erotica in theaters could be so entertaining. There was no one single boring minute for me.

Don't trust me, go and watch it yourself ;)
Now, SC's comments :D

其實入場前都睇左好多唔同既review, 好既, 唔好既, 其實都心裏有數, 所以入場既時候都冇乜冀望, 當普通戲咁睇. 帶上3D眼鏡, 就開始, 一開頭D山景都係好3D, 香港既功力追得上菏里活級數, 抵讚!!

由於大家可能仲未睇出戲, 為免劇透, 都係唔係度講劇情啦

1. 日本國出了名的AV騎兵- 原紗央莉
爆血度: ***

日本同德國混血兒, 隻眼係金黃色的, 其他地方都係粉紅色的!!!

2. 極多緋聞既中國代表 - 藍燕

爆血度: ***

我個人覺得佢好靚, 好有中國古典味, 可惜, google左佢原來都係混血兒...中俄...

3. 另一位日本AV騎兵 - 周防雪子

爆血度: **

個樣有D似深田恭子同Suki既混合版, 咪以為佢好斯文


4. 香港既偽點代表 - 雷凱欣

爆血度: 負星

一直都好鐘意佢, 但係今次出肉蒲團真係另我對佢改觀, 一直都聲稱36F既佢, 係出戲度只係露左佢對32A既胸2秒, 眨一眨眼都冇左, 好多人都話佢用替身, 冇可能36F變到32A...點都好, 同其他國家既佳麗比, 佢真係好小家咁...

哩出戲呢, 攪笑係60%, 血腥係15%, 其他既就係冰淇淋時段
但大家千萬不要抱住睇AV既心理去睇, 始於哩出係三級片, 唔係日本AV...全片係冇第三點的...
真估唔到既係田雞都有份拍! 佢真係爆笑既核心..XDD

最後, 本人覺得哩出戲係絕對睇得過既, 支持香港電影, 3D, 創意業!!!!! 香港!!香港!!香港!!



Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Guy in Long Flowy Cardigan - 男士春裝

You haven't seen SC in anything other than his lounge wear recently, right?
Here he a long flowy cardigan.
我好我是SC, 我唔介意著女仔衫, 靚就得啦! 仲有佢地通常都平過男裝好多的! 還可以一齊著呢!
A Guy in A Long Flowy Cardigan

The cardigan is from Chapter 7, and it's supposed to be a girl's cardigan.
A Guy in A Long Flowy Cardigan

But as long as it fits and it's cheaper. Why not, right?
A Guy in A Long Flowy Cardigan
chapter7 cardigan, izzue t-shirt, padini striped skinny denim from KL, uniqlo shades, bauhaus bag, sanuk shoes

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Tiger Observing the World - 老虎仔看世界

Baby Marcus has a new "hobby"...
Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window

He is very fond of looking outside our bedroom window.

Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window
He's so happy, he "talks" to the window a lot ^_^'
成日都好開心, 同個窗傾計..

He likes to pound and hit the window too.

Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window

And bangs his head on the glass...but no worries...

Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window
...papa is there to watch over him....

Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window prevent him from hitting his face on the window sill...

Baby Marcus Staring Outside the Window
...and also catch his little butt when he falls.

Baby Marcus' tigger onesie's from H&M ;)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Too Cute To Be True - Superman Havaianas Baby Sandals 可愛到爆炸既BB Havaianas 拖鞋

We know baby Marcus isn't walking yet...
We know these are not going to fit after only...five minutes...
But seriously...


Superman Baby Havaianas
Can you blame us for getting them?

Too cool, too cute!

Superman Baby Havaianas
Plus, it's a really rare occasion where SC lets me buy something that's pretty much useless, we're totally buying them because of the cute factor.
仲有, SC竟然好小有咁主動要求要買..

HK$190 from Seibu :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Favorite Blue & White

Favorite Blue & White Outfit
Thrifted shirt, H&M skirt and bag, uniqlo belt, bossini socks, wanko shoes

Baby Marcus 7 Months - 傲B七月大學到的新絕技

Today's post is bilingual, my crappy English meets SC's dubious Chinese. Heheheh.
It's SC's debut interpreting my posts into Chinese or writing the Chinese version in his own style. Please give him a warm welcome~!
大家好, 大家有睇開RitaBlog都應該知道我係邊個.
冇錯, 我就係SC(SOUS CHEF), 一個唔係太識煮野食既副廚.
由今日起, 我將會為大家寫個中文版, 希望大家鐘意.
小弟英文唔好, 中文又唔好, 如果有D咩寫錯, 請多多包涵!!

Baby Marcus just turned 7 months old yesterday.
He enjoys learning how to stand while holding on to his play pen and kind of...eating it.

依家佢有個新絕技….就係用佢個口黎當手用, 企係度既時候雙手唔夠力, 唯有用個口黎咬住啦!!

Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
He doesn't know how to pull himself up from a sitting position yet, we helped him standing, placed his hands on the edge of the playpen, encouraging him to learn.

咪以為佢真係好勁..B其實仲未可以自己爬起身架, 我地要抱起佢, 放佢隻手去個邊度佢先企到架

Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
And when he felt that he could use more support...

因為仲未企得好穏, 所以要放好多枕頭

Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
Of course he just use his mouth as an additional yet crucial reinforcement :D


Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
Plus, he probably thinks it's yummier than milk, which he rejects religiously.

奶可以不飲, 野係一定要咬的!!

When he falls...

當佢跌倒既時候, 大家都以為佢會喊..

Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
...he tries to climb back up...


Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D
...using his lips and tongue, of course.


Baby Marcus 7 Month - Standing with lips support :D

仲勁過spider man ^_^'

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Easy Batik

Easy Batik
I tried putting on a maxi thrifted vintage dress today, and I realized that it made me look double my size...almost like a tent T_T So I finally went for an easy way out...a belted batik dress and a pair of comfy wedges.

Easy Batik
Unbranded batik dress from mal ambassador jakarta, H&M bag, uniqlo belt, nose shoes from KL

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Leaves & Polka Dots

Leaves & Polka Dots
Wearing my comfiest thrifted dress today to work, slapped on a polka dotted cardi. I tried putting on a horizontal stripey cardi today and it made me look twice my size, and not in a good way. Boo! Luckily it worked, as SC was following me around the flat annoyingly, chasing me to go. Pfft! A girl needs more time to prepare la! Added my Crocs leopard shoes to make everything more...safari ^_^

Thrifted dress, zara cardi, crocs shoes, H&M bag, unbranded belt

Bossini X Smurf Tee - I Love Me & Thrifted Shirt & Denim Skirt

Bossini X Smurf Tee, Thrifted Vintage Shirt & Denim skirt
Wore my favorite Bossini X Smurf tee my favorite way last Friday, with a thrifted shirt underneath and a denim skirt. It's all creams, blues and reds that day. So many people were staring as I walked down the street hanging out in Causeway Bay that day. I am sure it wasn't because I looked extra fab, they were probably disgusted at how narcissistic the statement on my tee is ^_^'

Bossini X Smurf tee, thrifted shirt, monki denim skirt, H&M bag

Monday, April 11, 2011

Babies and Kids Gathering & Baby Marcus' Injury

Last weekend, we went to a friend's place for a babies and kids gathering. Baby Marcus met his friend, remember cutie Alice from baby Marcus' first real play date? Unlike the previous play date, in which he was pretty much not aware of anything, he was totally into Alice this time...
Baby & Kids Gathering
He looked so happy...he was just munching on baby Alice's...toes.
Aiya, don't suck people's toes on second date!

Baby Alice wasn't too impressed...
Baby & Kids Gathering
...she grabbed Marcus' face to show her affection. Heheheh...

After which they just gaze at each other adoringly...
Baby & Kids Gathering

The babies got a little musical...they banged their little hands on the piano...
Baby & Kids Gathering
...Marcus couldn't take his eyes off Alice. He even cried when Alice left the piano...crying won't get her back, son. You'd need to do more to charm her. Remember, girls love pretty things, gifts...oh...and romance, and affection. These are not mama's secret hints for papa, these are for you! Heheheh

He proceeded to edge his fingers and held Alice's hand...and holding it.
Baby & Kids Gathering
Baby & Kids Gathering
Alice responded with, singing, romance...if only there was dancing...the date would have turned into a typical Indian movie hehehe.

Baby & Kids Gathering
Papa was so proud of you, not because you've successfully banged a few notes on the piano, but for holding Alice's hand with no hesitation. Aiya~

The ones who were happy were not only the kids..
Baby & Kids Gathering
...but also the (much) bigger kids.

Just in case you were wondering...
Baby Marcus hurt his face :(
What happened to baby Marcus' eye?
He didn't get into a fight, he was hurt. He probably bumped onto a hard edge, it could be a hard toy or the ladder of the metal bunk bed in our helper's room. We asked our helper what happened and she answered us with an "I don't know". I was pretty upset by this response. Our helper proceeded to claim that he was hurt while he was in his play pen, while she was cooking. There was nothing in his play pen that could have caused this, unless it's a toy, and there was no toy in the play pen when we checked it. She continued by implying that she put baby Marcus in the play pen based on our instruction, it was as if she was implying that it was our fault that he got hurt in his play pen. Sigh.

I am not sure if she was telling the truth. In the beginning she was laughing it off but I could sense that she got increasingly nervous when she saw that we were very upset. She stayed and kept trying to give me explanations, all of which discounted her responsibility for the incident.

The bottom line is, the baby Marcus is ok. We understand that babies are prone to accidents and a bit of a bump and a knock here and there are very normal as they learn to be more mobile. I can live with that, but I was just unhappy with how my helper handled the case. The way she implied that it was not her responsibility and the way she tried to explain made me doubt that she was telling the truth. She could at least show more remorse instead of just said "I dunno what happened" and shrugged off her responsibility. I've told her that we cannot just say "I don't know" we have to investigate the case to prevent it from happening again in the future. She was just saying yes yes. She showed up from her day off with some clothings and shoes for baby Marcus, I couldn't help but feel that she was buying them out of guilt :(

Anyway, baby Marcus remained cheerful and happy despite the injury. I need to get over this, but any tips on how to deal with my helper in the future?