Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sequined Collar, Vintage Jacket

Sequined Collar, Vintage Jacket
I don't like how my sweater pops out of the sequined collar.

Sequined Collar, Vintage Jacket
But I wore it anyway, because I was in the mood for something sequinned!

And here's what happens when I ask SC to take pictures for me :D
What happens when I ask sc to take my photo... 185468 shots.
I got so many multiple shots of the same thing. Heheheh.


mochaccinoland said...

i like your sequins collar. i think it's okay for the sweater to pop out above the collar...

LyddieGal said...

haha, well at least he was sure to get a good one!
love the sequins popping out from under the blazer.
Chic on the Cheap