When he heard that the tees are available in Hong Kong...

...Mr. I-Hate-Shopping went to nearest Uniqlo immediately to get his Monster Hunter fix.

...and these four are his favorites.

Will your Monster Hunter dorks love this collection too?
SC is now waiting for Uniqlo Naruto tees.
And I'm so gonna borrow the raw, rare, well done, burnt tee ^_*
I am probably going to Uniqlo and I will definitely be getting the I <3 MH and the burnt shirt. Those are pretty sweet!
Thx for the heads up. Who doesn't love Uniqlo? Srsly. Who doesn't????
the 'quest clear' tee is my fave! SC looks so great!
Chic on the Cheap
the stuff at Uniqlo is getting cooler every season. Wish we had a store here!!!
SC looks fab in his shirts :)
I went to the Uniqlo here and they don't have it! ;;
Jane, you may have to wait a little while more...these were first released in Japan and then HK shortly after
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