Ah ha! It's casual Friday tomorrow (I conveniently omitted the word "smart" myself ^_^) and I wanna wear this tee.
This was one of the tee which SC encouraged me to buy (that's a very rare occasion, so I bought it immediately before he changed his mind, ehm, not that I need his permission or anything ^_^).
Why did he ask me to buy this tee?
Because, the tee says "We (Heart) Coca Cola" and during this bun-in-the-oven period, I am crazy about Coke. I crave Coke day and night, he finds it super annoying, as doctor specifically told me to avoid sweets, and we all know how much sugar a can/bottle of Coke has (a gadzillion mg?)...but I get super devastated if I don't get my Coke T_T
Aaaanyway, here's how we wear the tee.
On me:
Tee (no brand, Kwai Chung plaza), maternity legging (H&M, HK$79), shoes (i.t), scarf (no brand), coca cola bottle (from noodle shop downstairs ^_^)
Awwww too cute! I hope you two enjoy your coke!
Chic on the Cheap
Let me say it again! you guys are cute!! Seriously, no coke! It is good for neither you or your baby :)
Let me say it again! you guys are cute!! Seriously, no coke! It is good for neither you or your baby :)
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