I wanted to wear something like this for Valentine (Very literal, I know. I might as well cover myself in pink hearts)...boyish plus girly touches, with a mix of checker, stripes and bold reds. But since it's on a weekday, so casual wear is out of question :S

I love these lemon yellow Forever21 heart earrings, bought them impulsively at the cashier.

Another impulsive Forever21 buy, polka dotted bow ring. So sweet!

It's a Forever21 madness! The red jacket and the purse are from Forever 21 too! Opps.
forever21 jacket, earrings, ring, purse; uniqlo shirt, tee & pant leggings; bershka boots; vintage frame
I wanted to buy SC some pink boxers (which I could borrow for summer) + pink socks, but thought better and bought this tee.
Comfy for summer, and I love the pocket, folded sleeves, and button details.

I can
so borrow these ;)
SC gave me this 3D heart shape jigsaw puzzle.

He said that love needs efforts from both sides, so I can't just receive a gift. I need to make an effort to "get" the gift. So true, I like thoughtful and meaningful gifts, unlike mine, which were full of ulterior motives ;)
I suck at putting puzzles together...just like the other thing SC said when he gave me this gift
"Love is not supposed to be easy. It's hard" (What happened to him yesterday? He suddenly got so philosophical?)

He helped me putting this together.

Sweet and lovely! Too bad I can't put this on my iPhone :(
I also took lots of silly pictures and post them on instagram.
If you haven't, follow me @mochachocolatarita to see more silly pics ;)

SC and I tried to make a heart shape.

A hugeee bouquet of pink roses!
Wish vs reality.

Just to let you know how much does a bouquet like that cost here (around USD548).
I'll post our Valentine dinner on