Smile needs to be learnt???? What in the world did mama smoke?
Before this, Marcus only smiles unconsciously in his sleep, or when he's awake, he'd smile right before he cried, wailed and screamed with all his might.
So I don't think he understood the concept of smiling ^_^' until recently.
Here are a few of his smiles.
Sour smile...

Smiling with his eyes (smises ala Tyra?)

Sweet smile...

Cheeky googoo smile...

Full blown smile :D

So I don't think he understood the concept of smiling ^_^' until recently.
Here are a few of his smiles.
Sour smile...

Smiling with his eyes (smises ala Tyra?)

Sweet smile...

Cheeky googoo smile...

Full blown smile :D

So cute!
I love the cheeky smile :)
That's true. Babies don't develop the social smile until 5-6 weeks after birth. Before then, it's just gas or something, lol.
He's growing up so fast!
adorable! he's getting cuter everyday!
Marcus dah gede yach...cutee!
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