Babies grow real fast.
This was baby Marcus' first day at home.
Teeny tiny.
...and about 8 months later...
He looks so....mature!
Sometimes I don't realize how big he is now.
This was his first time in a baby chair.
We thought he was gonna hate it, but he didn't he loved it.
It made it easier for us too, we could all eat at the same time...and most of the time, we could use both of our hands ^_^'
大家都以為佢一定唔鐘意坐, 會喊, 但係估唔到佢好鐘意喎!
對我地黎講實左係太好了, 我地終於都可以有餐安樂茶飯食啦..
He banged his little hands on the glass table the whole time, the restaurant manager came over and told us to stop. Oppps.
佢係咁用隻手好興奮咁打張枱, 打到比個經理出黎鬧佢..XD
I don't exactly wear formal 3-piece business suits with tights and heels to work, but I've never worn shorts to work before. One fine day, I saw this lady at a busy junction of Central business district. Everything about her outfit screams business, except...the lacy tiered scalloped shorts? She does look nice in it, but...
What do you think? Is this outfit work appropriate? Is it ok to wear shorts to work?
Or maybe mama just wanted to try out her newly acquired shoulder pads? ;)
The shoulder pads make the tee more flattering and more...modern.
膀頭棉其中一個用法, 就係令到件衫變得更"現代"
Papa's combo is always easy.
In case you were wondering about the ugly flip flops...noticed the colors on papa's nails?
More on that next post ;)
最潮都係D腳指甲, 留返下次講 XD
You'd better get used to the KDK fan and the ugly cable that's running through my beautiful gray's there to help us survive Hong Kong summer with less air conditioning. We need to money to buy baby food. Heheheheh.
Basically, cute stuff that reminds us of the beach and the sea.
On shimmery navy blue and deep red polish.
I did my toes too!
Considering how easy, how cheap and how good they look, I was pretty happy with the result.
Too bad they don't last long though, the stickers peel rather easily because they aren't fully protected by the thin top coat. Oh wells, just for fun, they're good enough.
腳指都整埋, 用貼紙都方便, 快, 靚, 正. 但係可惜好快就甩..
I used Revlon's 791 Midnight Affair, 745 Frankly Scarlet and the top coat, with a set of nail art stickers I bought from Sasa (HK$16 for a sheet)
I'm not really a nail color addict (in denial). Most of the time, I don't color my finger nails, just my toes, only in summer. I only buy one odd bottle every now and then...
其實我都唔係美甲粉絲, 大部分時間我都唔塗指甲的, 通常都係夏天先塗腳甲. 仲要塗來塗去都係塗一種顏色..(以前)
I didn't realize I have so many!
有一日我囉晒D指甲油出黎睇, 嘩乜我有咁多嘅..
I am stingy, I don't buy very nice brands, normally I just buy Revlon...
我好孤寒, 所以淨係買露華濃..
...and they are not even the full price HK$49 or HK$35 ones, I buy the HK$19 ones from Bonjour. Heheheh
買最平個隻, $19
The red hot tamale is my favorite.
It compliments my Asian skin tone and it makes my toes look good in summer footwear :)
I just learnt that babies sweat so much during their sleep. Baby Marcus' hair gets soaking wet when he sleeps. It gets so wet, we have to line his pillow with a towel. The plus side is...he gets up with this super fierce tousled hair style. BB訓覺, 冒水冬瓜. 傲B都一樣, 次次訓醒覺都好似遊完水咁, 成頭濕晒. 之前以為佢有病, 好擔心, 問問老人家先知個個細個都係咁的..濕還濕, 但係佢濕都可以濕得咁有型...(無言)
I wish my bed head looks this good ;) 好似啱啱去左登台咁..= =;
Seeing how baby Marcus splashes around like mad every bath time, making the whole bathroom wet, we couldn't wait to bring him out swimming. 傲B次次沖涼都好興奮咁玩水, 玩到成個廁所都濕晒, 我地諗佢一定係好鐘意玩水啦..XD
We bought him a pair of swimming shorts with a diaper lining. We made a mistake by buying a size too big. Tips to parents, buy an exact fit if possible, or risk cheek exposure :D 新買左條泳褲比傲B, 內連尿片功能(好神奇的說). 諗住買大D冇蝕低, 諗吓諗吓都係買啱啱大細好D, 因為落水再上水好容易Love(甩褲同音..)...
We also bought a pair of floaty balloon thing you put on baby's arms...and there were only girly ones available. Papa, being a shopping hater that he is, refused to look around further, and just bought this little pink number. Sigh... 我地都買左對浮浮手袖, 諗住吹起佢可以一野扔傲B落水..
These pink things intrigued baby Marcus. 冇辦法...得返最後一個..粉色都要照買..
Gee...these look.... 睇佢個衰樣..
...delicious! 對傲B黎講, 都係愛黎食最好
These floaty arm balloons were pretty much useless. They were too big for baby Marcus, and he could still easily dip his head into water...I wouldn't recommend them. 大家如果未買小朋友遊水裝備, 千其唔好買哩個..作用不大...(係七個月大黎講..), 因為佢唔識撐個頭上黎, 照飲泳池水..
We were waiting for the perfect weather to go swimming, last Sunday wasn't perfect, it was cloudy, and it was still a bit too cold, but since we were desperate, we brought him swimming anyway. Luckily, it was sunny when we got there. We were the only ones in the toddler's fun pool. The guards were really strict though. We thought of letting baby Marcus swim in his clothes because it was a bit cold, but the guard reminded us that we had to make him wear a proper swim wear. We might buy a full body swim suit for him... 泳褲就一早買左, 但係天氣就日日都唔好, 一係就落雨, 一係就凍, 等等等, 終於等到上星期日, 雖然個日都仍然係陰天同凍, 但係我地實左認唔住啦!!! 好彩出到去個天即刻出太陽同熱(即係傲B唔係貴人, 唔會招風雨..XD) 去到BB池, 得我地三個人係度...乜人都冇..但係有個好串嘅救生員係喥, 我地一到就行過嚟我地喥下個馬威先, 叫我地同傲B入去更衣室換衫, 唔可以係出面換, 仲要唔比傲B著住衫嚟玩水, 我心諗, 喂, 出面班港女都著住t-shirt黎遊水啦, 怕人望佢呀嘛, 傲B因為凍著住件衫有咩唔得, 但係我地都係算啦, 冇乜幾可帶住傲B去遊水
In the beginning, he was a bit scared of the vast pool of cool water. After we splashed around for a bit, he got used to it and had a bit of fun. We'll bring him again soon when the weather's warmer. 一開始佢係勁驚, 比人撳左個暫停制咁, 郁都唔郁吓, 同平時沖涼完全唔同..我地輪流另起佢係水裏面滑行, 玩左一陣佢就回魂啦, 係咁拍水, 拍完D水花淺到塊面又扁咀, 但係又忍唔住要拍..係咁開心拍, 淺水扁咀, 開心, 唔開心...咁就玩左作個鐘..
We were not allowed to take pictures, but papa managed to steal a shot ;) 泳池係唔比影相同錄影的, 但係見到傲B咁cute,唔理了!!