Monday, May 30, 2011

Nail Color for Boys, Yay or Nay? 男人的浪漫(指甲油篇)

Boys with painted nails
SC doesn't only wear my clothes. Now he wants his nails to be painted too!
This is all his idea, not mine :)
I suggested all black, or midnight blue, but he wanted alternate black and white.
He should've really invested in nicer summer sandals. He should've worn his gladiator sandals! But he's just as lazy as me. Heheheh.
What do you think? Yay or nay?
SC唔單止著我D衫, 依家仲要搶埋我D指甲油黎玩!!!
係佢自己要架, 唔係我迫佢..
我叫佢油全黑, 或深藍, 但係佢要簡監犯色(黑白黑白黑白.....)
佢應該買對靚拖鞋, 或者攞返對角鬥士涼鞋出黎著, 但係佢同我都一樣, 咁懶..

I used these colors.
Boys with painted nails
Revlon top coat, solid white polish from the face shop, and revlon black lingerie


sydneylyn said...

nay... :">

Ashley said...

for me it's a no. But many rockers will tell you otherwise :)

shellie said...

only if they like it,right?