Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Mystery Blood 金田一(傲) 之靈異血跡
(For English, please scroll down)
琴晚返到屋企, 就唱傲B歌, 傲B坐左係廚房一張椅上, 正常一唱傲B歌佢就會好開心咁轉頭對住我傻笑, 但係佢冇, 我叫左佢幾聲都冇反應, 我好驚, 即刻走去前面睇吓咩事..原來佢坐係度睇住工人姐姐煮飯睇到訓左...都係第一次咁樣訓
但我唔理啦, 佢訓左既話, 如果整醒佢會好大獲(勁喊唔停), 所以我都係坐低食飯算, 工人姐姐就抱左佢入主人屋, 放低佢等佢訓得舒服D
今晚Rita出左去同friend食飯, 我一個人食完飯就入房睇吓傲B訓醒未, 同佢玩吓. 點知一入到房, 嘩, 成灘血跡係張被度, 如上圖
我嚇一嚇, 即刻跑出去問工人咩事, 佢話今朝張床已經有血, 所以佢換左成套新既被同床套, 我問佢點解換完仲有血係張被度, 佢話佢唔知...
個一刻我嚇傻左, 唔知點做, 一來傲B今日又有D異常, 二來床上面又有血跡, 我打比我呀媽(因為佢日日都黎開睇傲B), 咁啱佢又出左去食自助餐..返唔到黎解釋, 佢話佢都知有血跡哩單野, 但係都唔知點解
由於太激動同大聲, 傲B比我吵醒左, 勁喊, 我就好似熱煱中的螞蟻, 開始檢查傲B有冇傷口, 但係佢好唔合作, 郁黎郁去好似好辛苦咁, 個一刻真係嚇到有D想喊, 一個人唔知點好..
揾左陣, 決定打比Rita報告情況, 佢都好驚, 係咁話要炒左個工人姐姐, 佢提議佢即刻返屋企, 我都同意, 因為一人個人都做唔到D乜
工人係哩個時候就攞左今朝有血換左出黎準備洗既床套出黎比我睇, 真係有幾灘血..
傲B減左成個鐘直到Rita返黎先好D, 都仲未笑過...
1. 阿爺早(大概10:xxam)上黎過
2. 阿爺走左後工人發現血跡
3. 阿爺同阿嫲下午(大概4:xxpm)上黎, 見到工人換床單, 因為有血
4. 阿嫲同傲B沖涼, 未有發現傲B身上有血
5. 我返到屋企(大概7:00pm), 發現被有血, 同確認到被既血跡係新的, 換床單後出現
以上既事項都好合邏輯, 可惜我完全一籌莫展, 我即刻去問facebook大人, 多謝大家既討論, 可惜都冇進展
阿爺同阿嫲黎到, 再重新講過成件事, 同工人講既差唔多, 大家都懷疑阿爺, 阿爺即刻除晒衫證明身上冇傷口...
到哩度, 由於都冇乜進展, 我地就諗住沖涼訓覺
不可思異既事黎, 阿嫲打黎話阿爺條褲都有血跡!!!!! 但係冇傷口, 血跡係左邊後褲上, 我問佢, 你有冇坐過/去過D有可能有血既地方(街市)? (成件事立刻變左靈異事件...), 佢話冇..叫我上佢地屋企睇吓條褲
上到去睇條褲, 褲面D血好深色, 內側既血好淺色, 根據金田一漫畫(其實係讀過生物既常識), D血係由出面芯入條褲, 而唔係由褲裏面芯出黎(即係唔關傷口事), 成件事又變得更靈異了...
我帶住好多個問號咁返屋企, 準備訓時, 戲劇性既事又發生...
阿嫲打黎, 話揾到阿爺個手肘有傷口, 好大可能係有流血出黎既傷口類型...
Rita's Version:
Last nite, I went home hurriedly, abandoning a dinner appointment (please accept my sincere apologies, guys) upon a call from SC informing me that there's blood on our bed, with baby Marcus wailing in the background. Neither of us were bleeding. We were worried sick about baby Marcus. The fact that there was no wound on him made us worry even more. As any new parents would, we imagined the worsts.
So, I got home and saw the blood, feeling very pissed, and more than than, worried. I was ready to fire my maid then and there, call the police, quit my job and become a full time mom.
Then we tried to work out the chronology and everything, playing Sherlock Holmes.
The blood has dried out, there were some random spots on the sheet, quite a bit on the blankets. We noticed movements in the pattern, there were small droplets, it couldn't be "that time of the month" lady blood. We thought of nose bleeding, and we damn hoped it was not baby Marcus' blood.
This was the chain of events according to my maid:
- Before 10 am, grandpa came to watch over Marcus, maid went shopping for groceries
- Shortly after, my helper returned, Marcus still playing with grandpa on my bed
- Grandpa left
- Maid noticed blood and thought to change bed sheet, but didn't have a chance to do it
- Maid busy cleaning, claimed that Marcus was never in bed the whole time, she dragged him around in his high chair wherever she went
- 4pm, she suddenly remembered that she has to change the sheets (people thought it's my blood, but it's actually near the window where Marcus always plays, not my side of the bed)
- Grandparents walked in when she was changing sheets and questioned her, but they all thought it was my blood
- Grandparents played with baby until 6pm
- 6pm maid started cooking dinner, she put Marcus in high chair in the kitchen
- 6.40 SC arrived home, seeing Marcus falling asleep in high chair, asked maid to put him to bed, Marcus napped
- After dinner, SC went to check on Marcus and saw the blood on the bed, but no apparent wound on Marcus
- Around 7 pm, he called me and all hell broke loose
- I rushed home and abandoned the dinner (again, sorry everybody), on my way home so many thoughts ran through my mind, and from the top of my head, I thought maybe Marcus' nose was bleeding, or maybe it's my maid's that time of the month
- I got home, checked everything, listened to my maid's explanation
- We thought the #1 suspect should be grandpa, since he was the only one present in both possible times of the bleeding
- We called grandparents, checked on grandpa (he even stripped), and found no wound on him. Our theory's crushed. we were stuck.
- Grandma called informing that she saw blood on grandpa's jeans, but it's from outside seeping in, not from the inside of his jeans. Another puzzle.
- We concluded that there were 3 suspects: grandpa, baby Marcus and maid, there were the only 3 people there when the bleeding happened
- We planned to bring the blood to the lab/reported to the police, etc
- My maid turned very nervous when she heard the word "police"
- 10.45pm, grandma informed that she found the wound on grandpa, it's on grandpa's elbow. OMFG!
So the blood is not baby Marcus'!!! Hallelujah! Thank God!!!
I informed my maid in the morning and told her that she can wash "the evidence"
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wow, I would be so worried too. I'm so glad you guys managed to sort it all out...
I'm so glad it is a blessing in disguise!! Phew!
Wow! Fortunately all ended in just a story to tell! :)
oh my gosh! what an incident! :o The way I read it was maybe the same way you hurriedly typed it! Good thing there was no one gravely hurt..
Good to know that at the end it was just "false alarm" but enough to worry like hell. All you can breathe now, pheww!
Glad to hear that no one was seriously injured. :)
oh my, what a night u had! What a relief the mystery's solved!
I am sorry u guys have to panic over something so minor. I know, we all want to be good parents. The impt issue here is there was such a tiny amt of blood and it was smeared, so it is likely from someboby's surface. Even if it was from a human, the good thing is no one else is bleeding, and it has stopped, which incidentally is the best form of bleeding. U do know period blood looks different..more of a purple hue to it and it has "sediment". Did Grandpa scrape his elbow, or was it from an insect bite?? Good thing u guys didn't overeact and call the cops! Can u imagine what they would have said??
Along the same husb was supposed to help with dinner but he accidentally cut his figer with the knife and took it upon himself that he had to "rest". So, instead of helping with dinner, he sat on the couch with his hand up in the air(to elevate it!). I almost fell down laughing!!
thanks for the comments, guys...
Chris, yes, I could tell that it shouldn't have been period blood. We were so damn relieved to learn that it was grandpa...and it was nothing serious :D
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