Look what I've got! A tiny little tie for baby Marcus! I've bought it from a cube shop at Citywalk Tsuen Wan for HK$38. Will post baby Marcus in the outfit with this tie soon ;)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Threadless Camera Tee
Wore this to lunch, a meeting with SC's insurance agent & screening of The Rite last weekend.
The movie? Ahem, disappointingly not scary.
I was crazy enough to forget to take picture of the whole outfit, but I am sure you can imagine it from these shots ^_^
Threadless tee, Uniqlo hoodie & belt, unbranded scarf, Zara skirt, unbranded socks, shoes from Citistore
Threadless tee, Uniqlo hoodie & belt, unbranded scarf, Zara skirt, unbranded socks, shoes from Citistore
Friday, February 25, 2011
SC’s out of hospital! We’ve spoken to the doc in detail yesterday, and we’re following his advice not to worry too much and SC just needs a lot of rest to recover.
Our campaign resulted 250something votes for baby Marcus so far, not a winning figure, but I’ve exhausted every method that I have up my sleeves :D
and , I know that I’ve done my best.
Thanks so much everyone for your support!
There’s still time for those who haven’t but wanna vote (what a pushy saleswoman I am):
1. Like this page: http://www.facebook.com/HuggiesHK
1. Like this page: http://www.facebook.com/HuggiesHK
2. And Marcus photo: http://www.facebook.com/photo.
Today’s cheeful outfit: Photo dork look :)
I hardly wear jeans, but this is one of those days ;)
I hardly wear jeans, but this is one of those days ;)
Threadless camera hoodie & t-shirt/ unbranded jeans/ H&M scarf/ unbranded shoes
Thursday, February 24, 2011
SC's Shirt, Vintage Jacket & Campaigning for Baby Marcus
SC's still in the hospital having some tests done. Wearing SC's shirt today, but it didn't make me miss him less (Does my saying this make you wanna puke? Sorry!)
Wore another cardi under the vintage jacket, the weather is warmer today (22C) but it gets really cold in the office.
Campaigning for Baby Marcus to win a photo contest to have his photo printed on Hong Kong Huggies Bus has helped SC and I take our minds off his being in a hospital etc...
Thanks so much for all your support, guys. Greatly appreciate it!
If you haven't voted and you want to, here are the handy links:
First, click LIKE on this page:
and then click LIKE on Baby Marcus' picture:
Thanks againnnn, we don't want Baby Marcus to miss the bus, don't we? ^_^
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
HELP Desperate & Shameless Mama...
Guys, I know you don't like to like stuff, but could you please please please....
1. LIKE Huggies HK Page>
http://www.facebook.com/Huggie sHK
and then
2. LIKE Baby Marcus's photo>
http://www.facebook.com/photo. php?fbid=179319918779117&set=a .179319748779134.44752.1757470 15803074&theater

...even if you don't like, so that Baby Marcus won't end up with no LIKE?
With a gadzillion thanks from Desperate & Shameless MAMA ^_^
1. LIKE Huggies HK Page>
and then
2. LIKE Baby Marcus's photo>

...even if you don't like, so that Baby Marcus won't end up with no LIKE?
With a gadzillion thanks from Desperate & Shameless MAMA ^_^
A Bit of Red & Camel #365FASHIONSHUFFLE
Clearer view of my cropped double breasted jacket I wore the other day. I added a punch of red…for a bit of cheering up, I think the tight's a bit too sheer for my taste, I must hunt a more opaque version with richer shade of red. I love red with camel <3
My helper helped me taking this photograph while SC is in hospital, I think it shall be a part of her job description now ^_^
Thanks for the best wishes & support which has been pouring in for SC. We’re very grateful. Some test results are back, hoping for good news tonight.
Thrifted top underneath jacket, Chapter7 jacket, H&M skirt and tights, unbranded belt, wanko shoes
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Baby Marcus in Batik
Nothing cheers me up more than seeing pictures of baby Marcus.
Oh gawd, I am such a mom!

...but look that those twinkles in his eyes!
His cheeky expressions...

Pink little rosebuds lips...

Dagger sharp stares...

Silky smooth chubby cheeks...

What could mama do?
Papa's checked into hospitals to have further tests done today.

All the best, papa! Hope everything's OK!
Unbranded batik top from Chubby Chic auntie, polka dot cotton onesie from Uniqlo, faux denim overall and shoes from Mothercare
Oh gawd, I am such a mom!

...but look that those twinkles in his eyes!
His cheeky expressions...

Pink little rosebuds lips...

Dagger sharp stares...

Silky smooth chubby cheeks...

What could mama do?
Papa's checked into hospitals to have further tests done today.

All the best, papa! Hope everything's OK!
Unbranded batik top from Chubby Chic auntie, polka dot cotton onesie from Uniqlo, faux denim overall and shoes from Mothercare
Monday, February 21, 2011
#365FASHIONSHUFFLE & Life Continues
What I wore on Saturday, I went to Zumba (like a dance workout class), exercising for the first time since I had Marcus. It felt so damn good! No make up/blush can replicate the natural flushed look we get from a good workout. Too bad this crappy shot didn't show it ^_^'
Reebok tee, threadless hoodie, giordano puffy vest, nike cross training sneakers, unbranded socks and pants
On Sunday, I didn't step outside even one bit, our helper had a day off, I took care of Marcus, did some cooking and SC was not feeling well. I didn't step out of my pajamas, didn't put any single brush of make up...the look pretty much matched how I felt. Surprise, surprise, I don't look fabulous unmade-up. Heheheh
In the evening, we ended up scaring the shit out of ourselves by watching Paranormal Activity 2. Note to self, watching horror movies could result in very vivid horrible imagination, not good for taking care of a baby at night. Worse, there's a baby in the movie too. Good thing I specifically asked my helper not to watch as she has to take care of Marcus alone most of the time. Oppps.
In the evening, we ended up scaring the shit out of ourselves by watching Paranormal Activity 2. Note to self, watching horror movies could result in very vivid horrible imagination, not good for taking care of a baby at night. Worse, there's a baby in the movie too. Good thing I specifically asked my helper not to watch as she has to take care of Marcus alone most of the time. Oppps.
SC has been feeling unwell and despite some medications the doctor gave him, he didn't feel better. He went for further check ups today, and no, it wasn't swine flu. Ideally, we should be happy, but we are not. We don't want something worse than swine flu (knocking on every piece of wood I can see), given SC's history of thyroid cancer, anything as small as a persistent slight fever, headache and hot flashes horrified us to our bones, I surely hope it's nothing that we cannot handle, I pray to God. We cried ourselves to sleep with baby Marcus in our arms last night T_T
The outfit pretty much reflected my gloomy mood. Mostly blacks.
The outfit pretty much reflected my gloomy mood. Mostly blacks.
Muji turtleneck tee, Chapter7 cropped double breasted jacket, unbranded high waisted pants from Maple, bossini socks, wanko shoes & H&M bag
It's a bit unusual for me to share less than happy bits of our lives here, but I figured that my blog has to reflect our lives, right? I am trying to learn the power of sharing.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Little Dusty Corner in Central, Hong Kong
Friday, February 18, 2011
Zara Denim Skirt #365FASHIONSHUFFLE
I almost bought this skirt when it was sold full price at HK$399!!! Luckily I didn't, because it was discounted down to HK$89!!! When I saw it, and there's one in my size, I grabbed it without thinking ^_^
Very very pleased with this buy.

I thought a shot with flash might look something like what you see in Marc Jacob's ads, but of course, obviously, NOT in the above shot. Heeheheheh
I was gonna wear a pair of Argyle socks, but I think I'd bore you to death if I wore yet another pair of argyle socks.

...so I put on this pair of cheesy knee high socks with little pink hearts on it ^_^
I am having yet another bad hair day.

That explains the little gingham checkered bow hair clip.
It is highly inappropriate for work, even on a casual Friday, so I replaced it with a plain black pin once I get to the office. I added a pair of huge lensless vintage glasses to balance my chubby cheeks.
You like?
Shirt = Lady Story
Cardi & socks & hair clip = no brand
Skirt = Zara TRF
Bag = H&M
Shoes = Wanko
Glasses = thrifted Vintage
Very very pleased with this buy.

I thought a shot with flash might look something like what you see in Marc Jacob's ads, but of course, obviously, NOT in the above shot. Heeheheheh
I was gonna wear a pair of Argyle socks, but I think I'd bore you to death if I wore yet another pair of argyle socks.

...so I put on this pair of cheesy knee high socks with little pink hearts on it ^_^
I am having yet another bad hair day.

That explains the little gingham checkered bow hair clip.
It is highly inappropriate for work, even on a casual Friday, so I replaced it with a plain black pin once I get to the office. I added a pair of huge lensless vintage glasses to balance my chubby cheeks.
You like?
Shirt = Lady Story
Cardi & socks & hair clip = no brand
Skirt = Zara TRF
Bag = H&M
Shoes = Wanko
Glasses = thrifted Vintage
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Plaid Jacket from Lady Story Sale

Saw this jacket Tuesday night on my way to dinner, and I absolutely love it! I love how it is roomy enough to accomodate my chunky arms...ah who am I kidding? My chunky everything! I love the black and white (it is something that I don't have in my wardrobe) and it was on sale! HK$99! Oh yeah!
As always, I just slap this jacket on other colors and patterns.

At least there's a common color on a few items to make it look a bit "color coordinated", the bag, the cardi and the stripes of the socks. Heheheh. My fringe annoyed me too much, I just had to pin it. It doesn't make me look better, but at least the fringe doesn't poke me in the eye now.
Sometimes you might wonder...don't I look weird dressed like this at work, or in the streets of Hong Kong?
Yes, I do. Not good weird, not chic weird, it's more old lady weird. But I don't really mind ^_^
Dress = thrifted
Jacket = Lady story, Yau Ma Tei MTR
Cardi = no brand, from Maple
Bag = H&M
Socks = Bossini
Shoes = Mark & Spencer's
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"Valentine's Day" Outfit? A Dangerous Dress

The outfit I wore to lunch on Saturday, Feb 12th.
Could we call the lunch the super early bird Valentine's day lunch?
There was no Valentine's day lunch set, we weren't lovey dovey (we were either playing with our own phones, or bitching about the food and everything, as any normal Hong Kong couple would), but I did wear something kinda pink that day.

My sis bought this dress from H&M, it was on crazy sale, cost me only HK$50(!!!) and it looked fabulous on hanger. We bought this without even thinking twice. When we got home, she tried it on and decided that it would suit me better. Thus, she left the dress to me.
I finally wore it and realized that it's a bit too loose around the chest and it's a bit too long for me. Plus, the weather, which was super cold by Hong Kong standard, didn't allow me to wear this dress on its own. I put on a romantic lacey thrifted shirt underneath and wore my Uniqlo hoodie on top of it.
That day I also realized that I didn't have a light colored coat. I made a mental note to buy one when SC's not watching ^_^

The dress got caught a lot in the chair of the restaurant, ruining some of the strands. Damn! I had to cover the seat of the chair with my napkin to prevent my dress from further unravelling. I don't think I'd wear this dress when I'd be require to sit down. Heheheh. The strands were also caught by the zipper of my purse, the zipper of my jacket, the zipper of SC's jacket. It's a miracle I still went home with most part of the dress still in place.
Hmmm...is this why the dress was sold at HK$50?
I took out my Celine purse that day.

There's no space for my DSLR in this purse, so SC helped carrying my huge ass camera on his neck. We were stopped repeatedly by Indian guys offering tailor made suits, pirated watches and handbags...in Japanese. Arigato, but no thanks.
My current hair cut doesn't show earrings, which is why you don't see them in these pictures, but putting them on made me happy. I wore those pink ones from Forever 21.

Did you wear anything Valentine-ish?
Addicted to Bow Ties

I'm wearing SC's only bow tie to work today.
I paired the androgynous top with something ultra girly, so ultra me :)

...and I put together this outfit very quickly, very randomly, and I think I did better than when I planned outfits carefully. I shouldn't have bothered.
SC's shirt & bow tie/ H&M sweater, skirt & bag/ Muji socks/ Unbranded belt/ Wanko shoes
Here are some outfits from previous days. You didn't miss much.
I wore this to work yesterday:

thrifted shirt/sc's sweater/cotton on skirt/mk klein down jacket/H&M bag/unbranded tights/M&S shoes/various necklaces
This is what I wore on Valentine's day. Nothing remotely Valentine-ish, apart from the red MTR station wall, it was even a sloppy Monday for me.

MK Klein down jacket/ unbranded pants from maple/ shoes from Citistore/ H&M bag
This was the outfit I wore going nowhere, it was a disgustingly cold and rainy Sunday, and baby Marcus was having a stuffy nose.. boo!

Muji turtleneck tee/ Unbranded sweater, scarf and boots/ Uniqlo tights/ Marc by Marc Jacobs baby bag
We're missing the outfit I wore on Saturday 12th Feb, the pics are in another laptop. Oppps.
Happy mid week, how's your week so far?
Geek Chic - Hong Kong Social Media Week
Pictures of Jason Bon Vivant, Hong Kong Fashion Geek, me (with my unexcusable, unpardonable bad hair), & SC (and his equally bad hair, we should never go to this stylist in Kwai Fong ever again!) at Geek Chic - Social Media Week Hong Kong. It was one heck of an event! Congrats, HKFG~!

I like how JBV & HKFG seemed to be having a witty banter, and my pursed lips.
This was before things got ugly(er).
We were told to do a "tiger" pose. JBV & SC clearly were doing it wrong.
Love JBV's gasp! expression. Very genuine!
Cheers to the geeks for such a successful event!
Cheers to the geeks for such a successful event!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Baby Marcus in Reds & Browns

Kids grow up so fast, babies in particular. If I didn't post baby Marcus' pictures fast enough, they'd get outdated every minute. So, here are some pics of baby Marcus from a while back...I didn't realize it, but he already looks different now. Heheheh

This time, Marcus is in some red and brown combo. Something I rarely do, but it turned out ok for him.

I always love these pants and the little suspender. Although it makes diaper changing rather annoying (which is why sometimes I removed the suspender after diaper changing for a few times), but it looks cute as heck! I wish H&M make these in my size...
Here's a pic of baby Marcus scratching away the screen of my Amazon kindle...

Shirt & pants = H&M
Corduroy top = GAP
I couldn't remember which shoes he wore...probably no brand.
Monday, February 14, 2011
My Valentine
Damn! I forgot to bring my camera to get some good street snapshots of Hong Kong Valentine's Day madness (if there's any). Since "the economy is good", I expect more extravagant bouquets, outfits and other commercialized display of "affection".
To refresh our memory, here are my Valentine's day street snapshots & bouquet madness shots from 2009.
Last Friday I was wondering what did I do Valentine's day 2010...I couldn't recall anything. I browsed my blogs for any blog entry...and nothing! After a while, I remembered that I was still suffering from crazy morning sickness as I was carrying baby Marcus, and last year's Valentine's day was also the first day of Chinese New Year. No wonder we didn't plan anything. Heheheh.
This year, we've dealt with Valentine's day early. We had lunch at Whisk (so it was a regular set lunch, HK$210 per person instead of HK$$$$$ restaurants are going to charge tonight), gawked at Jessica C (the model) at lunch, and it's done. No flowers, no chocolates, no gift. Today, we're just going to go home, I'm not even going to cook or plan any special meal, it's gonna be business as usual.
Go on, tell me your Valentine's day plan, make me go green with envy T_T
Happy Valentine's Day :)
To refresh our memory, here are my Valentine's day street snapshots & bouquet madness shots from 2009.
Last Friday I was wondering what did I do Valentine's day 2010...I couldn't recall anything. I browsed my blogs for any blog entry...and nothing! After a while, I remembered that I was still suffering from crazy morning sickness as I was carrying baby Marcus, and last year's Valentine's day was also the first day of Chinese New Year. No wonder we didn't plan anything. Heheheh.
This year, we've dealt with Valentine's day early. We had lunch at Whisk (so it was a regular set lunch, HK$210 per person instead of HK$$$$$ restaurants are going to charge tonight), gawked at Jessica C (the model) at lunch, and it's done. No flowers, no chocolates, no gift. Today, we're just going to go home, I'm not even going to cook or plan any special meal, it's gonna be business as usual.
Go on, tell me your Valentine's day plan, make me go green with envy T_T
Happy Valentine's Day :)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Too Prim & Proper?

I feel so out of place wearing this outfit..today's supposed to be casual friday! And I have a casual cocktail party to attend tonight! Aiya!
Ah wells...

I love this skirt's shade of red. It's even redder than it is on this photo.
Why so red? Maybe I was too inspired by Valentine's day heheheh.
Shirt and jacket = thrifted
Skirt = H&M
Tights = no brand
Shoes = Wanko
Bag = LV trouville
Red Roses DIY Nail Art Stickers - Nail Decor Idea for Valentine's Day
Valentine's day.
Ahhh...sweet pinks, roses, red-hot romance...look at this pack of 3D nail art stickers I've found in Sasa!
Ahhh...sweet pinks, roses, red-hot romance...look at this pack of 3D nail art stickers I've found in Sasa!

A couple of gorgeous red roses and sparkly jewels!
I want them on my nails for Valentine's.

Too bad SC hates them T_T and he doesn't understand why girls embellish their nails (with some super cute, elaborate and amazing gel nail art) when guys don't like them.
Maybe SC should realise that he doesn't represent the whole Hong Kong male population.
Does your guy hate decorated nails?
Where to buy the stickers? Sasa, HK$18 - HK$20something per pack.
What's in My Make Up Bag?
My make up bag.
It's this cute Naraya vanity given by a colleague from Bangkok.

It can surprisingly house loads of my junk :D

What's in it?
My face colors:

Clockwise from left top: VoV face color, Fasio liquid foundation, Sasa matte two way cake, no brand concealer (no good, dunno why I still keep it), Shu Uemura stick blush, Majolica Majorca compact powder (no good), Cyber color blush.
My eye make up:

From top left: two Japanese brand gel eyeliner (brown and black), no brand lash curler, eye talk double eyelid glue/fake lashes glue, Lavshuca sparkly gold shadow, Bobby Brown gel liner (charcoal), courreges shimmery pink shadow, Shu Uemura liquid shadow (shimmery gray brown) and sparkly highligher (light blue), VoV sparkly eye color (dark green, light yellow and white), no brand shadow (purple and pink), Revlon brown shadow palette, Don glue, Shu Uemura palette (light blue), and Laneige eye palette (I use their dark and light gray a lot)
My lip colors:

From top left: L'oreal lipstick (something neutral), Japanese brand lip gloss (neutral), no brand lip gloss (sheer red with sparkles), Shu Uemura lip gloss, Revlon lipstick (vintage red), Max factor lipstick (very red), and another Revlon lipstick (neutral)
My eyeliners, brushes and tools:

Various eyeliner pencils, mascara (Kiss Me - Japanese brand), Bobby Brown make up brushes, very fine comb, nail clipper, super sharp scissors, tweezer, nail file.
Whew! Out of all that madness, what do I normally use every day?
Just these ones...

Make Up Forever olive gray eyeliner pencil, Bobby Brown charcoal gel eyeliner, Sasa matte two way cake, Cyber color blush (as eyeshadow and blush), and courreges shimmery pink shadow as face and brow bone highlight. Heheheh.
What do I carry with me when I go out?

My make up pouch, a batik pouch from Batik Keris, Indonesia. Super lightweight, washable, looks decent, fits quite a lot, and it's a piece of home ^_^
What's in it?

Nivea lip balm with a bit of color (red), bobby pin and a couple of elastics in my favorite color (these were from when my hair was long enough to tie up in pony/pig tails), Sasa matte two way cake, maybelline concealer (for emergency occasional pimple cover ups), bourjois pencil eyeliner in dark gray, maybelline blush (broken, I need a new one, clearly), and a comb (free from some hotel, again, broken, it lost a tooth!)
Whew! What a girl needs to do to look decent :S
See how I love buying but ended up always using the same few things again and again?
It's this cute Naraya vanity given by a colleague from Bangkok.

It can surprisingly house loads of my junk :D

What's in it?
My face colors:

Clockwise from left top: VoV face color, Fasio liquid foundation, Sasa matte two way cake, no brand concealer (no good, dunno why I still keep it), Shu Uemura stick blush, Majolica Majorca compact powder (no good), Cyber color blush.
My eye make up:

From top left: two Japanese brand gel eyeliner (brown and black), no brand lash curler, eye talk double eyelid glue/fake lashes glue, Lavshuca sparkly gold shadow, Bobby Brown gel liner (charcoal), courreges shimmery pink shadow, Shu Uemura liquid shadow (shimmery gray brown) and sparkly highligher (light blue), VoV sparkly eye color (dark green, light yellow and white), no brand shadow (purple and pink), Revlon brown shadow palette, Don glue, Shu Uemura palette (light blue), and Laneige eye palette (I use their dark and light gray a lot)
My lip colors:

From top left: L'oreal lipstick (something neutral), Japanese brand lip gloss (neutral), no brand lip gloss (sheer red with sparkles), Shu Uemura lip gloss, Revlon lipstick (vintage red), Max factor lipstick (very red), and another Revlon lipstick (neutral)
My eyeliners, brushes and tools:

Various eyeliner pencils, mascara (Kiss Me - Japanese brand), Bobby Brown make up brushes, very fine comb, nail clipper, super sharp scissors, tweezer, nail file.
Whew! Out of all that madness, what do I normally use every day?
Just these ones...

Make Up Forever olive gray eyeliner pencil, Bobby Brown charcoal gel eyeliner, Sasa matte two way cake, Cyber color blush (as eyeshadow and blush), and courreges shimmery pink shadow as face and brow bone highlight. Heheheh.
What do I carry with me when I go out?

My make up pouch, a batik pouch from Batik Keris, Indonesia. Super lightweight, washable, looks decent, fits quite a lot, and it's a piece of home ^_^
What's in it?

Nivea lip balm with a bit of color (red), bobby pin and a couple of elastics in my favorite color (these were from when my hair was long enough to tie up in pony/pig tails), Sasa matte two way cake, maybelline concealer (for emergency occasional pimple cover ups), bourjois pencil eyeliner in dark gray, maybelline blush (broken, I need a new one, clearly), and a comb (free from some hotel, again, broken, it lost a tooth!)
Whew! What a girl needs to do to look decent :S
See how I love buying but ended up always using the same few things again and again?
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