The year of the rabbit is almost here, and this year I couldn't find any affordable Chinese outfit that I like :(
Lucky I have these el-cheapo Chinese shoes, which I absolutely adore.
So happy to put them on last minute today with my otherwise very normal-borderline-boring outfit, just a little touch of my Chinese heritage.

My cliched combo...dress and thrifted vintage top. I like the bow print of this dress and the softest of soft pink of the thrifted top. The herringbone patterned tights and the belt hopefully added a splash of masculinity to this almost a little too sweet look.
I added a fluffy headband to complement the shoes and my red lips, and it reminds me of my better hair days. I miss my longer curly hair sorely T_T

Oh, it's quite a cold day, I put on this faux leather jacket to keep myself warm. Again, something not too sweet, to prevent this look from reaching its diabetic level ^_^'

Pardon my terrible fringe again, I forgot to comb before SC took the shot :p
Oh, the headband is hugely inappropriate for work, so I took it off when I'm in the office. Imma put it back on before going out tonight.
Happy almost CNY y'all~!
Top = thrifted
Dress = no brand
Jacket & headband = H&M
Tights = Uniqlo
Shoes = random souvenir shop in Central
Bag = Marc by Marc Jacobs
I love the print on your dress! You are too cute :)
Happy New year!
what a nice dress its kinda cute defnitly not for now its to cold
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