Very very pleased with this buy.

I thought a shot with flash might look something like what you see in Marc Jacob's ads, but of course, obviously, NOT in the above shot. Heeheheheh
I was gonna wear a pair of Argyle socks, but I think I'd bore you to death if I wore yet another pair of argyle socks. I put on this pair of cheesy knee high socks with little pink hearts on it ^_^
I am having yet another bad hair day.

That explains the little gingham checkered bow hair clip.
It is highly inappropriate for work, even on a casual Friday, so I replaced it with a plain black pin once I get to the office. I added a pair of huge lensless vintage glasses to balance my chubby cheeks.
You like?
Shirt = Lady Story
Cardi & socks & hair clip = no brand
Skirt = Zara TRF
Bag = H&M
Shoes = Wanko
Glasses = thrifted Vintage
You always look adorable in your outfits! I love to see what you will mix and match because you are much more creative than I am!
Oh yes! I love the specs!! Great buy on the skirt!
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