Have I forgotten, given up and abandoned the 365fashionshuffle project?
Hell no! I've just been posting from SC's mobile phone straight to my tumblr account, which was set up for the convenience of sharing with other 365fashionshufflers.
And here's what I wear today.

....and unjacketed.

thrifted top, cotton on skirt, zara cardi, muji socks, M&S shoes, uniqlo jacket & belt, coach bag
What else have I been wearing?
Here are all of the outfits which I haven't posted here.
Trust me, you didn't miss much ;)
Monday to Wednesday...

thrifted dress, g2000 jacket, m by mj bag, kitson free bag from a japanese magazine, wanko shoes, muji socks

thrifted top, H&M skirt, uniqlo belt, no brand jacket, bossini socks, wanko shoes, m by mj bag

no brand everything except M&S shoes, kitson bag & m by mj bag
...and last weekend...

sc's shirt, uniqlo belt, wanko shoes, no brand cardi & pants, m by mj bag
Wore this one to Marcus' first play date.

no brand top, shoes & glasses, uniqlo tights
Wore this one to a nearby mall.

muji turtle neck, uniqlo vintage mickey tee, thrifted jacket, no brand pants & shoes
Wore this one to Tsuen Wan's Citiwalk.
Hopefully, I can finish this 365fashionshuffle.
Wish me luck!
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